You may have noticed water levels in your pool dropping, or maybe you saw a spike in your water bill and it sent up a red flag. If you suspect a pool leak is the cause, it is important to have a proper leak detection performed as early as possible.

If You Suspect A Pool Leak

Many times, water loss is just a simple matter of what can be considered a normal maintenance measure in order to have the source of the leak located and repaired. An experienced, licensed, pool leak detection company will be able to inspect the swimming pool thoroughly for active or potential leak issues and once the source of the leak is determined, make or recommend the necessary repairs. A few items you can note to discuss with the leak detection professional you call include:

  • Does the pool include an attached spa or water features?
  • Is the pool equipment above or below ground?
  • How many pumps are there?
  • Is the pool constructed of fiberglass, gunite, marcite, or vinyl?
  • How many skimmers or scum gutters are there?
  • Does it leak more with the filter on or with it off?
  • Are there any fittings in the floor of the pool other than the main drain?
  • Approximately how much water does it lose in a 24-hour period?

It is a known fact that all swimming pools are eventually going to leak. One in 20 is leaking right now! Your swimming pool is a joy to own, so it is important that you keep it running efficiently. Also, as water is one of our most precious resources, conserving it is important to our environment. Even a small leak in a pool can amount to thousands of gallons of water loss a week. Not only is this costly for your wallet, but it is also costly for our earth.

Commercial pools endure far more use than residential pools, making them more susceptible to wear and tear that can easily cause leaks. For the average homeowner with a residential pool, a leak problem generally makes itself evident clearly and quickly. In a setting where you have a commercial pool, however, a leak may not be something that is realized until it’s a glaring issue and financial toll.

All pools will lose water due to environmental factors such as evaporation and wind. There will also be some loss of water due to normal use, including splash out and foot traffic. Most pools have an auto fill in order to guarantee that the pool will always be filled and operational. For this reason, monitoring water levels, which is what most homeowners will do, is often times not an option in a commercial setting.

What are some of the typical clues that your commercial pool may have sprung a leak?

First and most common is a rise in the amount of chemicals needed in order to keep the pool water balanced, clean, and clear of algae. Some customers contact us because their pool service company is continually increasing the amount of chemicals needed due to the fact that the pool is leaking them out, along with the water. Chemical imbalance is a sign of a leak in the pool and is a good reason to get a leak detection, even if you don’t see water loss.

Another indication of a pool leak is that higher water bill. While this can be caused by a multitude of possibilities, one way to determine if it is related to the pool would be to turn off the auto fill and monitor the pool water level overnight. If a drop is evident, then it is likely that a leak is present. Other clues that you need leak detection can include visible areas of the deck lifting, streams of air bubbles in the pool or suction pump, pool tiles that are cracked, popping off or missing, wet areas around the pool that will not dry out, dead plants or uneven spots in the grass around the pool area, or any cracking in the shell of the pool.

It is important to remember that if left unchecked, all leaks will continue to worsen over time. The potential for more severe and permanent damage to the pool and property increases the longer that a leak goes undetected. Costs will also add up when considering the need for the replacement of lost water and chemicals over time, and the potential of structural repair that has also worsened due to unprepared leaks.

For these reasons, many condominium and homeowners associations will opt to have a leak inspection performed on a seasonal or yearly basis, regardless of whether or not any noticeable signs of a problem are present. Proactive attention will make note of any issues in the pool and stop long term damage and more costly repairs when leaks are addressed right away.

Is you suspect a leak, call CalTech Pools today for a leak detection that will answer all questions about water loss in your pool or spa.

Call 818-436-2953 to schedule an appointment.