It should be equally (if not moreso) important to make sure you hire a specialist for the leak repairs.  Here’s a good example:

After performing a complete swimming pool leak detection in Brentwood, Los Angeles, we found a leak in a suction line about two feet back behind the skimmer at the shallow end of a large residential pool.  After writing up the complete report and following it up with a repair estimate the customer decided to use their pool service guy to perform the repair.

The other company cut the deck in the area that we wrote up in our report, dug up the line and told the customer that we must have misdiagnosed the problem.  They said “the area that we dug up was dry”. We immediately went back to the pool to take a look and did in fact, find the area to be dry.  At that point, we pressure tested the line and the water nearly shot up at us.

What the pool service guy didn’t know was that a suction line is just that, a suction line. Lines need to sometimes be put under pressure to show their leaks or to saturate an isolated area.

The pool guy asked us to finish the job and we were able to convince the customer that it would be in their best interest to do so.

The moral of the story………….let a service guy perform pool service, let a swimming pool leak detection specialist (such as Caltech Pools) find and repair the leaks in the pool.

P.S.  The service guy and Caltech Pools now work hand in hand, performing leak detections for them in Brentwood, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills and all of Hollywood.